Awakening Footscray with art

Yeo was one of the performers on the night. (Maria Nguyen)

South by South East Asian (SXSEA) hosted its second edition of SXSEA, in collaboration with Big Bao.

Part of the Sleepless Festival in Footscray, the event brought an abandoned shopfront at the Metro West Shopping Centre to life on Saturday, May 18 for a night of performances from several artists.

Founder Pranati Narayan Visweswaran said more than 60 people enjoyed the show.

“We were incredibly pleased to host SXSEA Vol. 2 with Big Bao, featuring artists Yeo and The Clever References,“ she said.

“Bringing the empty shop to life was challenging but really brought the team together, and we couldn’t have done it without the help of Sleepless Festival, Corey Bulley, Strangeworld Studios, Maria Nguyen, Farfaglia Artistry, and all our SXSEA friends and family who turned up and helped out.“