Budget win for Newport Storm

Newport Storm FC. (Supplied)

Jennifer Pittorino

Newport Storm FC will receive $200,000 from the state budget for long awaited funding to install fencing and netting around its home reserve.

Club president Zayed Halloum said the community club was founded in 2020 and plays its home games at A W Bond Reserve, which poses safety risks for both players and the public.

“Our main focus is really around player and participant safety and safety of the general public around the reserve,” he said.

“In the early period of starting we were allocated a facility at A W Bond Reserve in Altona.

“The facility itself is quite basic and the club has really significantly outgrown some of the aspects of the facility.”

Working with all levels of government, Mr Halloum said the club has also been working alongside Football Victoria for the last four years on this project.

“We said this is what the club is looking like, these are our plans, and I think that the growth in the last couple of years has also been an important factor,” he said.

“Over the years the club has had to put its own funding into some minor works with the support of the council and Football Victoria.

“These were basic things like equipment storage and somewhere to have a basic small meeting space.”

Mr Halloum said the club is currently working with the state government and Hobsons Bay council to work through the details of the funding.

“The fencing is one the priorities we have been highlighting and campaigning for,” said Mr Halloum.

“There is a playground at one side of the goals where we have had a few near misses.

“There is also a road next to it, so sometimes you do get stray balls either going onto the road or getting very close to the road.”

Whether it be fencing or netting, Mr Halloum is glad to know the players and participants will be kept safe.

“We are really grateful, but we see this as the start of the journey,” he said.

“We really want to upgrade the club’s infrastructure to support the growth of the club.

“And make it an inviting and safe place for the participants and also for the community.”