Crossing design unveiled

A road bridge will be built over Maidstone Street, Altona, as part of the level crossing removal works. (Supplied)

A new road bridge will be built over the Werribee train line at Maidstone Street, Altona, as part of level crossing removal works.

Designs for the removal of the level crossing were recently released by the state government and show a road bridge with one lane in each directions.

The bridge will also feature a pedestrian footpath and lighting.

Construction is expected to begin in 2025, with the level crossing expected to be removed by 2027.

The state government said building a road bridge would avoid disrupting important underground utilities and the nearby protected Maidstone Street Grassland, facilitating a quicker removal of the crossing.

According to the government, 48 trains pass through the level crossing daily, including freight services, while more than 14,000 vehicles drive through the crossing each day.

The state government said the boom gates at the crossing are down for more than 20 per cent of the morning peak.

Transport Infrastructure Minister Danny Pearson said removing the crossing would enhance safety and provide more reliable travel times.

“The release of this design takes us one step closer to making the Werribee Line level crossing free by 2030 – changing the way people live, work and travel,” he said.

“We’re thrilled to see another level crossing going in the west and invite the community to provide feedback to help shape the designs of this important project.”

Williamstown MP Melissa Horne urged the community to view the level crossing designs and provide feedback to the government.
