Wildlife group goes exhibiting

Wildlife and Native Flora of Hobson Bay members. (Damjan Janevski) 413257_03

Thirteen hundred people from across 10 countries. That is the reach that the Facebook group, ‘Wildlife and Native Flora of Hobsons Bay’, run by Ann Darioli and Sean McGrath has now attained.

Now, the group has an upcoming exhibition at Altona’s Louis Joel Arts Centre featuring photographs taken by group members.

“It’s just an exhibition of photos, of wildlife and native flora of Hobsons Bay, taken by all sorts of people, many of whom haven’t met each other, don’t know each other and they’re just people who love nature and love where we live,” Darioli said.

McGrath set up the page during Melbourne’s Covid lockdowns.

“He was out walking one evening and he saw a pelican at sunset, which is absolutely beautiful. And he thought, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to share this with other people,” Darioli said.

“So he set that page up and it very quickly grew and he asked me if I would be his partner in crime because he just had a new baby and he didn’t have time to devote to the page.”

Dariloi is grateful to have an amazing platform to share the beauty of Hobsons Bay with the world.

“Through this amazing platform, we’re able to share our photographs with those who don’t have the opportunity to be here.”

The exhibition starts on July 12 and runs for three weeks.

Details: www.ljac.com.au/

Max Westwood