Windows misprint in Williamstown

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Spelling and punctuation errors and misnamed Williamstown landmarks have plagued printed windows installed at the Dennis Reserve community centre.

Among the mistakes on the windows are the Williamstown Botanic Gardens being incorrectly named the Williamstown Botanical Gardens, while the backdrop of John Morley Reserve has been incorrectly labelled as Commonwealth Reserve.

Williamstown resident Don Wood spotted the mistakes.

“I just happened to be walking past and having a look at the building and I thought that’s all wrong, so I took a snap,” he said.

After spotting the mistakes, Mr Wood contacted Hobsons Bay council with photos of the misprints.

“I sent them off to the council and they rang back and said ‘yes, they were wrong’ and they’d have to get them reprinted,” he said.

A council spokesperson confirmed Mr Wood made a complaint about the mistakes on the window decals on May 27.

“The reprinting of the two decals will cost $1,450, and installation is expected to be scheduled for as soon as possible,” the spokesperson said.

Max Westwood