Prestwidge joins Bulldogs

Jack Prestwidge (AAP Image/Russell Freeman)

Tara Murray

Footscray’s hopes for the Victorian Premier Cricket season have received a huge boost with Jack Prestwidge signing with the club.

Prestwidge, who has represented both Queensland and Victoria along with playing in the BBL, crosses from premier side, Melbourne.

Bulldogs coach Dale McDonald said when the opportunity was there to sign Prestwidge they were keen to have him on board.

“Obviously it’s the silly season for a reason,” he said. “We had a chat one day and continued on the chat from there.

“It was nice to get him over the line.”

McDonald said Prestwidge was keen for a change in his cricket surroundings and the Bulldogs were looking for an experienced bowler-batsmen and he filled that role.

Prestwidge last season made 224 runs and took 20 wickets.

McDonald said players of his experience don’t come along often.

“He’s a premiership player at Melbourne,” McDonald said. “He’s been a fantastic servant for Melbourne for the past four years.

‘He was looking for a new opportunity and there was the opportunity to get his services and he fell into our laps.”

McDonald said they weren’t looking at bringing in any other players, happy to build with the group they have.

The Bulldogs missed finals last year.

“There’s a group of players, young players who have been through the Victorian pathways,” he said. “They have been in there or close to getting there. We have got some experienced players as well.”

McDonald said Travis Dean, who no longer has a Victorian contract, will continue to play for the side and was excited to the next stage of his career.

He said he was keen to see what some of the younger players could do this season.

“Dylan Brasher has signed a two year contract with Victoria which is absolutely outstanding for him and he’s only 22.

“Mitchell Jamieson, Aiman Nadeem, Aayan Nadeem, Josh Pace, Arjun Nair, we have some very good young talent.

“Lachie Hay is another. They’re all been part of the Victoria under-17, under-19 programs.

“We just need to fine tune to get them where the need to be.”

Having finished a disappointing 11th, McDonald said like every other club at this time of the year they were keen to play finals.

“You don’t play finals in May,” he said. “There’s a lot of work to be done between now and then.”