Western Distributor: Battle for cash threatens project

Tensions between the state and federal governments over funding are casting a shadow over the viability of the $5.5 billion Western Distributor project.

Transurban has proposed a tunnel beneath Yarraville and new river crossing to take pressure off the West Gate Bridge, paid for via tolls as an extension of its CityLink toll contract, and federal government funding.

But the governments remain at loggerheads over $1.5 billion earmarked for the abandoned East West Link.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has demanded the money back, while leaving the door ajar for spending it on “a nationally significant road project”.

Premier Daniel Andrews is insisting the money will be available for the Western Distributor but opposition leader Matthew Guy says the state government needs to match any federal monies.

“We can’t have the east and the south-eastern suburbs being tolled to pay for a truck road in the western suburbs. It’s just not fair.”

A spokesman for Treasurer Tim Pallas would not say whether the state government has ruled out contributing money to the project.

“The Victorian government will ensure that the final funding proposal represents value for money for Victorian taxpayers,” he said.

Greens transport spokeswoman Senator Janet Rice said the funding tussle completely misses the point as the money should be allocated to the Melbourne Metro rail tunnel.

The state government is proceeding with the first stage of its more modest West Gate Distributor, on Monday announcing a shortlist of seven construction companies to undertake the $40 million works to widen Moreland Road and Shepherd Bridge.

Roads minister Luke Donnellan said works would be begin mid-year to address the traffic bottleneck.

Western suburbs Greens MP Colleen Hartland said traffic modelling and business plans are needed for both distributor proposals.

“Trucks off local streets, positive health outcomes for the community and value for money should be key measures of each proposal,” Ms Hartland said.

Transurban will hold Western Distributor information sessions at Yarraville-Footscray Bowling Club from 3pm-7pm, May 25 and St Augustine’s Parish from 1pm-5pm, May 30.

Public Transport Not Traffic will be running a walking tour of the proposed road route from 1-2pm Sunday, meeting at the corner of Somerville Road and Whitehall Street in Yarraville.


Western Distributor: $5 billion new freeway proposed