Think West brings philosophy to life

Kaj Löfgren in front of Footscray street art by Daniela Rodriguez. (Damjan Janevski)

A festival focussed on the big questions in life is coming to the west.

Think West will feature more than 40 thought-provoking events on philosophy and culture, revolving around the key themes of wisdom, resilience and social change.

Festival director Kaj Löfgren, who founded The School of Life in Australia, said Think West is a collaboration of key local arts, cultural, education, sport and business groups.

“Everyone thought it was a fantastic concept and the right time to pursue something like this, everyone was very keen to jump on board.”

The Think West festival will run for two weeks in November, featuring such speakers as comedian Meshel Laurie and human rights advocate Mariam Issa, across a range of events, panels and workshops.

Mr Löfgren said while the scale is ambitious he feels the west is ready to embrace the new festival. The Newport resident said the festival is being carefully curated to reflect the area’s unique history and identity.

“I’m very conscious of this area’s history – its indigenous history, multicultural heritage and working-class roots,” he said. “Obviously, it’s undergone big and significant gentrification in the last 10 years, but these elements are a touchstone and provide the historical context.”

Mr Löfgren said the festival will echo the “vehemently secular” School of Life, a contrast to the self-help movement and “happiness industry”, which he says can exploit people’s insecurities and make them feel deficient.

“The School of Life is about using philosophy and the arts to achieve emotional wellbeing,” he said. “What we believe is that art and the humanities can be the rock you lean on in your time of need, can show we are not really alone in our difficult moments.”

People keen to be part of Think West can propose an event via until October 5. A ‘taster’ program is on at Highpoint from October 6-16.