New train contract for Newport brings 1300 jobs

More than 1300 jobs will be created after the state government announced a $2 billion package to build 65 new Metro trains at Newport.

The Evolution Consortium, comprising Downer Rail, CRRC and Plenary, will build the fleet at Downer’s Newport railyard, which will receive a $16 million upgrade.

Downer chief executive Grant Fenn said the project would create 1100 full-time Victorian jobs as well as more than 140 positions for apprentices, cadets and trainees, and 70 jobs for disadvantaged workers.

Industry and Employment Minister and Williamstown MP Wade Noonan said about 500 of the jobs were likely to be at Newport.

“It’s a wonderful jobs outcome, which also includes an agreement with Toyota to transfer as many of their workers [as possible], and retrain those workers, next year to help assemble those trains at the Newport rail workshops,” he said. “We’re guaranteeing more local work than ever, with 60 per cent local content as well as ensuring the inclusion of 15 per cent Victorian apprentices, trainees and cadets, and a partnership with Toyota to help transition workers out of the auto industry.

“From a jobs point of view it will probably mean an additional 500 jobs at Newport will be created during the life of this contract.”

The Newport workshops began operating in 1882 and at their peak in the 1950s employed 5000 workers.

But only half of the 48.5-hectare site is currently active, with the remainder used for storing old trains.