Altona City Soccer Club gets nod for fireworks

Altona City Soccer Club has won its battle to have a fireworks display to close its 50th anniversary celebrations after Hobsons Bay council had a change of heart.

Last month, Star Weekly reported the club was angered after the council refused it permission to hold a five-minute fireworks display at Kim Reserve on March 21.

Hobsons Bay mayor Colleen Gates had said the council had refused for health and safety reasons and because of disruption to residents and pets.

But last week Cr Gates said the council had made a few exceptions over the years when the location was suitable.

“In this instance, we’re working with Altona City Soccer Club to ensure a low-noise solution can be accommodated on Kim Reserve given its proximity to nearby homes,” she said.

Club president Joe Tanti said members were happy and excited the council had worked with them to enable the fireworks to go ahead.

“They’ve been working hard to come up with a compromise,” he said, adding that the display, to be held about 9pm, would be “pet and resident friendly”.

A notice has gone out to households surrounding Kim Reserve inviting residents to the celebrations and asking them to ensure all pets and other animals which could become distressed are restrained, safe, sheltered and cared for during the pyrotechnics display.

“Blaso Pyrotechnics ensures that public and personal safety together with property, pets and livestock are the most important factors to be considered,” the notice states.