Laverton: Web tool with promise to improve communication

Young people in Laverton are making a pledge to improve communication with their parents, teachers and sports coaches.

We Pledge is a free online tool that helps youth make an agreement with another party and print out a contract to hold both sides accountable.

The idea has been credited with preventing arguments and strengthening relationships.

Laverton Youth Foundation co-ordinator Alex Petrou said the idea came from workshops held with a group of disengaged and at-risk young people.

Mr Petrou said the site encouraged young people and adults to sit down and discuss things, ‘‘being open and honest with each other about what you expect, how you can both be better’’.

“So it’s not just the kid always having to do something and the adult saying, ‘well, I don’t have to do anything’,’’ Mr Petrou said.

‘‘It’s sharing that collaborative communication.”

The youth foundation is seeking sponsors to make the site freely available. All donations are tax deductible. For more details, visit