Good oil on urban olives

Peter Weaver Photo: Damjan Janevski

Backyard and nature strip olive trees are being harvested for oil under a new project in Hobsons Bay.

Morgan Koegel, head of the 3000acres not-for-profit organisation that develops community gardens around Melbourne, said Hobsons Bay council had provided a grant to kick-start the Olives to Oil project.

Independent and community olive harvesting will take place on the weekend of June 16, with the olives to be pressed in bulk to make oil.

Hobsons Bay participants will receive free olive oil in return for their time or donation of olives.

“We identified that there are a lot of existing olive trees in Hobsons Bay that have already been mapped, that are producing olives, but not being harvested,” Ms Koegel said.

“We then had the idea – what if it could be turned into olive oil? And found out that individuals can’t do that because the minimum quantity that can go through a large olive press is about 200 kilos, which is far above what an individual can do for themselves.”

Altona Community Gardens committee member Peter Weaver praised the project.

“I think it’s a brilliant idea,” he said. “It’s just touching the start of what can be done because there’s a lot of old people in Altona with fruit trees as well. Olives is a beautiful start … it’s a resource that’s untapped.”

For more details or to sign up, visit the Olives to Oil project with 3000acres on Facebook or email