Community Calendar: Maribyrnong and Hobsons Bay

Hotel residency

Music therapy student and musician Laurel Parkinson is in residency at Williamstown’s Customs House Hotel playing acoustic sets from 2pm until 5pm. Visit the Laurel Parkinson page on Facebook.

Blue Light Disco

The next Williamstown Blue Light Disco is on March 20 with a St Patrick’s Day green theme. Discos for youth from 8-15 years are held on the third Friday of the month (except school and public holidays) from 7.30-9.30pm at the Newport Baptist Church hall, 26 Mason Street, Newport. Entry has risen to $7 because of a rise in insurance costs.

Legal help

Free legal advice is being offered through Altona’s Louis Joel Arts and Community Centre.

■ 9398 2548

Italian group

The Italian Book Club which meets in Altona is seeking volunteers to help manage its activities and assist with brochures and newsletters.

Fear of speaking?

Aero Speakers Toastmasters Club meets on the first and third Thursday of the month from 7pm at Laverton Community Hub, Railway Avenue, Laverton. Toastmasters can help anyone who wants to build confidence through speaking and leadership. Meetings are held in a fun and welcoming environment. The first two meetings are free. Find out more on Aero Speakers Facebook page.

Young parents

Are you a young parent from 16-25 and want to meet other young parents in your local area? Free groups meet in Laverton on Mondays from 10-11.30am, in Altona Meadows on Mondays from 1-2.30pm and in Sunshine on Fridays from 12.30-2.30pm. Come along with your children and meet other young parents. The groups organise fun activities for the kids and go on outings to the zoo, Scienceworks and other places.

■ Mary, 0409 758 932 or 9611 2459

Williamstown North fete

Williamstown North Primary School’s fete is on March 15 from 10am-3pm, with entertainment from Shaun Micallef and The Mudcakes.

Depression group

Want to increase your knowledge and learn practical skills for managing anxiety and depression? Footscray’s cohealth will run a two-day group on Monday and Wednesday, March 23 and 25, from 9.30am-2.30pm. Bookings essential.

■ Madeline, 8398 4254 or Ian, 8398 4252

Botanic art

Learn to paint botanic subjects at Altona’s Louis Joel centre on Thursday nights and Friday mornings.