Police probe hate stickers

By Goya Dmytryshchak

Neo-nazi hate stickers plastered around Williamstown this month are being investigated by police.

Anti-Defamation Commission chairman Dvir Abramovich said members of the public had reported the disturbing stickers advertising the Antipodean Resistance.

“It is chilling to think that in 2018 parents and children are forced to confront sickening Nazi posters that have invaded and violated the streets of Williamstown, placed by a white-supremacist group that proudly declares itself to be the ‘Hitlers you’ve been waiting for’,” he said.

“Imagine the immense anguish a Holocaust survivor or their children would feel upon seeing such vile flyers.

“We should all be alarmed that these preachers of hate are openly peddling their virulently bigoted message and are ramping up their disruptive campaign of harassment and recruitment.”

Williamstown Senior Sergeant Chris Allen said the matter was under investigation and the offender could be prosecuted for a number of crimes.

“It’s offensive behaviour or bill posting, which does have a maximum term of three months in prison,” he said.

“It is worrying that someone is in the community putting these types of stickers on poles.”

Hobsons Bay mayor Jonathon Marsden said the community would not tolerate such hate.

“Any poster promoting the genocidal ideology of the Nazi regime is utterly unwelcome in Hobsons Bay.”