The little club that could

Dale Schalkwijk of the Williamstown Swimming and Life Saving Club's inflatable boat rescue team, which won the world championships. Photo: Shawn Smits

By Goya Dmytryshchak

Williamstown lifesavers are ending the year as champions of the world.

Williamstown Swimming and Life Saving Club’s inflatable rescue boat squad won gold at the Lifesaving World Championships in Adelaide.

The team of 25 competed against clubs from countries around the world including Belgium, Denmark, Great Britain, Japan, New Zealand and Wales.

Coach Scott Ivey said it wasn’t a bad result for a “little bay club”.

“This year we’ve won absolutely everything that was on offer,” he said.

“We won the Victorian premiership series, the Victorian state championships, the Australian championships.

“Eight of the 10 competitors selected for the Australian national team were from Williamstown. And then we’ve won the world titles as well.

“It’s definitely the first time a Victorian club has ever done anything like this.

“When we first started competing against the surf clubs, that’s what we were referred to as: ‘Oh, the little bay club’s here, watch out for the waves, don’t get scared boys.’

‘Now, we go to the beach and show them how it’s done I suppose.”

The Lifesaving World Championships are held every two years, with the next event to be held in Italy.