Lifeline for Newport RSL

By Goya Dmytryshchak

Newport RSL’s fight for survival seems likely to be won after the sub-branch was bailed out of financial difficulty by the state branch.

The club closed in early August as Victorian RSL examined the sub-branch’s financial position.

State president Robert Webster last week told

Star Weekly that the sub-branch would next month hold a second meeting to consider its options. An extraordinary general meeting was held shortly before Christmas.

“If it is to continue, it will continue as what we call ‘a traditional sub-branch’ – it will have no commercial operation,” Dr Webster said.

“The Victorian branch has settled all of the creditors and paid all staff entitlements including PAYG and superannuation at this stage … it’s in the vicinity of $50,000.

“None of the previous office bearers turned up to an extraordinary general meeting.

“That’s the primary purpose of the next meeting: to see if they can establish a viable committee and have a viable option going forward.

“I think it’s a great outcome for the sub-branch but the members are going to have to support it.”

Dr Webster said matters had been brought to a head after the sub-branch failed to pay the rent on its Market Street club to the state government’s Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.

Newport RSL member Ian Nicholls, who cut an international work engagement to attend the pre-Christmas meeting, said there was a proposal to run the club on a voluntary basis.

“We’ve eliminated the need for wages, superannuation or WorkCover premiums” he said.

“We have the people with experience in the hotel and hospitality industry, along with those who are successful in their chosen field and who bring a wealth of business acumen to the table.

“If run properly, it’s a viable entity and, with that, enables us to fulfil the obligations of what the RSL stands for, which is to provide welfare to past and present servicemen and women.”

The plan includes changing the hours of operation to open from Thursday to Sunday.