Report flags urgent need for indoor sports courts

The RecWest Footscray site.

By Benjamin Millar

Up to a dozen new indoor sports courts need to be built to meet growing demand across Maribyrnong, according to a new council strategy.

The Indoor Stadium Strategy has identified a gap in current supply of indoor courts to service demand over the next 20 years, noting the immediate need for a new four to six court facility.

A review of indoor stadiums found there are eight indoor sports stadiums in Maribyrnong providing 17 indoor sports courts. Three of the eight are at local schools and three are owned or managed by Victoria University, none of which give priority to local groups over outside groups.

Two are owned by the council, although RecWest Footscray was considered unsuitable for competition use.

There are some court facilities in schools, but these may not comply with current standards and are being used primarily for training.

The report identified potential locations for new courts to be built, including VicTrack-owned land at Tottenham, Whitten Oval, Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre and Maribyrnong Secondary College.

It also suggested exploring court expansion at the Victoria University Community Stadium at Whitten Oval and more partnerships with the education sector to meet the shortfall.

The strategy was developed in the wake of a 2017 feasibility study to redevelop the ageing 1950s-era RecWest Footscray facility, which is sinking due to poor soil conditions on the site.

The study noted the RecWest Footscray site was unsuitable for a new multi-court development, but identified a need for such a development in the municipality.

The area’s high levels of cultural diversity and disadvantage were said to drive the need for “affordable and accessible community facilities that can promote, support and encourage health, sport, being physically active and community connectedness”.

The report noted that multi-court indoor stadium developments require “significant investment”, suggesting the council may need to partner with Victoria University, local schools and neighbouring councils.