Pier prepped for plates

Chefs from top Melbourne restaurants, including Hellenic Republic and MoVida, will join local restaurateurs for the first Pier to Plate seafood festival in Williamstown this month.

Pier to Plate, which is part of the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival and Eat Drink Westside, is at Seaworks on February 28 from noon to 9pm.

Seaworks executive officer Pauline Hobbs said Pier to Plate was the only event of the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival which encompassed the whole food production and processing chain.

Fresh fish will be on offer from the Seaworks’ pier, with demonstrations on cleaning and preparing seafood, before it is served up on a plate.

“We are pleased to have Hellenic Republic and MoVida join with local icons Ragusa and Duchess of Spotswood and a host of other food outlets to showcase seafood,” Ms Hobbs said.

Duchess of Spotswood chef Andy Gale said Williamstown’s maritime history was huge and it was only appropriate to have a food festival linked to the sea.

“Williamstown used to have about 150 pubs in the early part of the city’s history,” he said.

“Seafood was common fare in these local hangouts. It is a bit like turning back the clock.”

Tickets are $15 for adults, with children under 16 admitted free.

Bookings can be made at www.piertoplate.com.au or through the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival.

Goya Dmytryshchak