With a new year often come new resolutions.

For some, resolutions include aiming for healthier lifestyles and better eating.

Eating more raw food is something to consider.

Eating raw food is simply about consuming fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds that haven’t been cooked, processed or had preservatives added to them.

Eating raw food can also be about ditching dairy and “bad” oils.

Obesity and over-eating are often attributed to processed foods that lack fibre.

Raw foods such as fruit and vegetables can be full of fibre and vitamins that satisfy for longer.

Eating raw doesn’t mean going without desserts or treats.

Raw food sweet snack and dessert recipes can replace processed sugar, butter, chocolate, milk and oil with raw and organic options such as agave (plant-based sweetener), almond or cashew butter, coconut oil, almond or coconut milk and cacao.

Using such ingredients instead of processed varieties may give your body the nutrients it is seeking while also delighting your tastebuds.

Changing to eating more raw food can be as simple as replacing a sugary cereal or white toast at breakfast with a fruit smoothie or green shake, taking a salad to work for lunch instead of visiting the local café and eating more vegetables for dinner.

Eating raw means there is less need to go to supermarkets as most greengrocers and health food shops have what’s required for many recipes.

If eating healthier this year sounds like a good idea, put down that chocolate bar and head to a raw food website such as www.rawfoodforlife.org for great replacement suggestions.

Rebecca Miller.