Jane Rawson: Footscray author has big hopes for ‘other’ list

Footscray author Jane Rawson has made the right turn to get on to a prestigious list.

Her debut novel, A Wrong Turn at The Office of Unmade Lists, is one of only three works shortlisted for the 2014 Most Underrated Book Award (MUBA).

The annual award is presented by The Small Press Network to showcase ‘original and worthy voices’ released by small and independent Australian publishers.

Rawson shares the shortlist with Gardens of Fire author Robert Kenny and Holy Bible author Vanessa Russell.

She said it could be difficult for small publishers to compete with the big budgets of the large publishing houses, yet they were often home to the most interesting works.

“The work being released by small publishers is more diverse. Because they’re not aiming for the mainstream, they get to do more odd things, more interesting things.

“You start to realise mainstream Australian literature can be quite narrow.”

Published by Transit Lounge, the novel was also shortlisted for the Aurealis awards for science fiction works.

Rawson says she had a good experience with Transit Lounge and appreciates the effort made with elements such as cover design.

She has also been pleased with the overall reception of her book given it was never pitched at the bestseller market.

“Quite a few writers I admire have liked it, which I’m pleased about.”

Small Press Network board member and Readings Books head book buyer Martin Shaw said small publishers were responsible for some very fine works.

The MUBA winner will be announced on Thursday.