A vine time to enjoy

With summer on the way, many wine fans are swapping their winter reds for something lighter and more refreshing. It’s time to match your white and sparkling wines with summer foods for the ultimate in dining this holiday season.

Some people love their food more than their wines but it’s the combination of the two that is sure to make lunch and dinner parties unforgettable.

Here’s a few popular whites, sparkling and rose with ideas on what food they most suit.

Champagne: Perfect with anything salty.

Sauvignon blanc: Ideal for tart dressings and sauces. Or, if having a sweeter version, match with caramelised peaches or plums.

Pinot grigio: Much loved with light fish dishes or when cooking Chinese treats such as dim sum, spring rolls and duck.

Chardonnay: Pairs well with roast chicken and turkey. Or try “oaky” or “oaked” chardonnay with fatty fish such as smoked salmon or trout, or with fish in rich sauces.

Moscato d’Asti: A great accompaniment with fruity desserts.

Rose (dry): A winner with rich, cheesy dishes.

Semillion: Fish cakes and a dry semillon are a match made in heaven. Apricot tart, treacle sponge, or other sweet traditional puddings are perfect with sweet styles.

Riesling: New world varieties go well with dishes such as curries. Or indulge in sweeter versions with apple crumble and vanilla ice-cream.

Armed with knowledge about matching beautiful wines with delicious food, you may come to feel like both sommelier and chef.

Rebecca Miller