Cops blitz beach crime

Hobsons Bay police launched Operation Foreshore at Altona beach this week in a crackdown on theft, assaults and antisocial behaviour.

Sergeant Gareth Rowe said the operation, which would run until mid March, would see police foot patrols at Altona and Williamstown beaches and the immediate surrounding areas.

“While people are encouraged to come to Hobsons Bay and enjoy the beaches and ambience, the expectation is that they will do so in a respectful and lawful manner,” he said.

“There will be a zero tolerance approach to those who choose to engage in antisocial behaviour.

“It’s illegal to consume alcohol in public areas of Hobsons Bay and this will be enforced to ensure the enjoyment of everyone.”

Sergeant Rowe urged people to be vigilant with their belongings at the beach, with opportunistic thieves known to prey on beachgoers.

Two people have had their bags stolen on the past fortnight while swimming at Williamstown beach.

Police have also warned people to be wary of valuables being stolen from cars parked near the beach.

Goya Dmytryshchak