Paid parking: Maribyrnong mayor’s status quo woe

Maribyrnong mayor Nam Quach has apologised for comparing opposition to paid parking in Yarraville and Footscray to the genocide of Aboriginal Australians.

During last week’s council meeting, Cr Michael Clarke moved to rescind a decision to introduce paid parking which was passed by the council on October 21.

Cr Clarke’s motion was defeated.

He had earlier declared that the previous mayor, Grant Miles, who cast his deciding vote in October in favor of paid parking, should have supported the status quo.

Responding to Cr Clarke, Cr Quach said mayors had the ability to vote against the status quo because that was sometimes the right thing to do.

He cited, as an example, a hypothetical situation in which a motion could be brought before the council to continue eradicating Aboriginal people.

After receiving complaints, Cr Quach conceded he went too far with his analogy.

“I did talk about the eradication of indigenous Australians from our lands, making the point that, in principle and concept, [if] that was the status quo … that’s something that I don’t agree with,” he said.

“I could’ve used a different concept, and I didn’t wish to cause any offence.”

A Maribyrnong resident, who didn’t want to be named, conveyed her dismay over the mayor’s comments in a formal complaint, requesting an apology to the Aboriginal community and residents.

“I don’t understand why he has used the Aboriginal genocide example in these motion discussions,” she said.

The resident insisted the mayor had had time to find a better example and the comments he made were not relevant.

“A culturally sensitive councillor would never have used a comparison of voting on paid parking to the genocide of a race, especially at a public forum/council meeting,” she said.

Cr Quach said the concept and principle he was trying to convey was that, historically, at all levels of government, status quos had been challenged and changed for the better.

“If I’ve offended anyone, and specifically the indigenous community, by using that concept to illustrate my point … then I apologise for that, but that was not the intent of what I was trying to convey.”

On the issue of paid parking, Cr Qauch went against the status quo by casting the deciding vote to approve the ticket machines after voting was tied 3-3 following heated debate.

Our earlier stories

Yarraville paid-parking: Ex-mayor asks Maribyrnong council to reconsider

Yarraville paid parking: Maribyrnong council to vote again

Yarraville paid parking green light: Jeers as traders vow legal action

Poll: Do you support paid parking in Yarraville?