Scholarships to bank on

Jammie Garcia and William Aitken. (Joe Mastroianni) 226345_01

Goya Dmytryshchak

Two Laverton students have started the school year with scholarships to bank on.

Laverton P-12 College students Jammie Garcia and William Aitken have been awarded Bendigo Bank scholarships which will fund their year 12 studies.

Jammie said she would use her scholarship to pursue her goal of becoming a nurse.

“I applied for this scholarship because I have always prioritised my education, wanting nothing less than getting good grades and being on task,” she said.

“This scholarship will enable me to purchase textbooks, stationary and equipment to support my studies, helping me stay motivated while studying during my last school year as a year 12 student.”

William said his scholarship was a big help for his family and supported his trade studies.

“Receiving this scholarship will help me with my studies during this year, completing my final year of schooling,” he said.

“The scholarship will help to pay my VET fees for building and construction and to pay for my textbooks and necessary school supplies.

“A big thank you to Bendigo Bank for giving me this opportunity – it is a huge help financially for me and my family.”

Bendigo Bank’s Melissa Longo said the Laverton community bank had always valued its relationship with the college.

“We understand that our community benefits from collaboration and alongside our work with the Laverton Youth Foundation, our scholarship program is an opportunity to foster our younger community members,” she said.

“We are thrilled to provide a little assistance and encouragement to these promising young students, and look forward to continuing our scholarship program for many years to come.”