Outdoor trading back in time for summer

Altona Village Traders Association vice president Adrian Davey and Cr Daria Kellander. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 229908_04

Hobsons Bay’s outdoor trading program is returning this summer on the back of the state government’s $54.5 million Outdoor Economy Package.

Almost 200 businesses took part in the Hobsons Bay Business has Heart Outdoors campaign across more than 40 sites last summer as part of the recovery from the deadly 2020 COVID-19 second wave.

The $54.5 million Outdoor Economy Package includes a $14.5 million COVIDSafe Outdoor Activation Voucher Program giving more than 7000 businesses, community organisations, not-for-profits and trader associations grants worth $2000 when they spend at least that amount to support initiatives such as outdoor hospitality and entertainment.

The vouchers will be valid for expenses including purchasing and hiring furniture, obtaining insurance and promoting outdoor operations.

A new $40 million COVIDSafe Outdoor Activation Fund will also help councils transform more outdoor areas, including $20.5 million to provide immediate assistance to businesses to operate outdoors.

The funding will support improvements such as new street furniture, landscaping, marquees, planter boxes and public art, as well as entertainment to bring our outdoor precincts to life.

Local traders are encouraged to consider converting car spaces out the front of business into ‘parklets’, trading on the footpath where appropriate or creating a pop-up trading space.

Hobsons Bay mayor Jonathon Marsden said the program is designed to get traders up and running quickly and Council crews will be out in force installing outdoor spaces across the city as soon as possible, with some items ready to be installed now.

“The blue and yellow Hobsons Bay Business has Heart Outdoors branding that brightened our city across 43 sites and 193 businesses last summer provided so much hope and joy for traders and their customers after such a devastating year,” he said.

“This year hasn’t been any easier on our local traders and it is hoped that activating those outdoor areas again will help them get back on their feet and give the community plenty of opportunity to shop local and support local in a COVID-Safe way.”

Details: 9932 1616 or business@hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au.

Benjamin Millar