Altona Green Primary upgrade builder appointed

Benjamin Millar

A toilet block upgrade at Altona Green Primary is one step closer, with a builder now appointed for the project.

Altona MP Jill Hennessy announced this week that Raysett Constructions Australia has been appointed to deliver the upgrade works.

The state government has provided $500,000 towards the works.

Ms Hennessy said the state government has invested more than $10.9 billion in building new schools and more than 1700 school upgrades across the past seven years, creating around 13,500 jobs in construction and associated industries.

“Altona Green students and staff deserve modern facilities that they can feel proud of,” she said.

“I know that this upgrade will be a great boost to the school community, and I look forward to seeing the outcome of this project.”

Education minister James Merlino said every student should have a great school, no matter where they live.

“That’s why we’re investing in hundreds of small but important projects that will make a big difference for schools and create jobs for Victorians.”