Police launch operation to tackle deliberately lit fires


By Molly Magennis

A police operation targeting deliberately lit fires is now under way.

Known as Operation Safeguard, the annual police operation focuses on deterring or reducing the impact of intentionally lit fires across Victoria.

Police will use intelligence to monitor fire risk across the state, and will deploy additional resources in high risk areas.

Last year, there were 21 offences detected for recklessly causing a bushfire and 12 offences for intentionally causing a bushfire.

The most common causes of these reckless fires were burning off, campfires, car exhausts and machinery, tools such as angle grinders and welding equipment, bonfires and flares and farming machinery such as harvesters.

Anyone found guilty of recklessly or intentionally causing a bushfire can face significant fines and up to 15 years’ imprisonment.

Assistant commissioner state emergencies and support command Michael Grainger reiterated that now is not the time to be complacent.

“Summer in Victoria means the risk of fire is imminent. In hot, dry and windy conditions, fires can start quickly, are fast-moving and can have devastating impacts,” he said.

“We will be targeting those people who engage in careless behaviour, such as burning off without a permit, not putting out a campfire properly or using tools or machinery during fire restrictions.”

“Preventing bushfires is everyone’s responsibility – we’re asking the community to be mindful of their activities during the summer period and act responsibly – it could be your actions that result in a devastating bushfire, causing loss of life and property.”