Hobsons Bay Refugee Network has retired


By Molly Magennis

The Hobsons Bay Refugee Network (HBRN) has announced its retirement after 20 years of service.

In a statement, the HBRN said the time was right, and that there are “now larger groups and movements that we can all direct our energies and enthusiasm towards”.

Because of this, the HBRN said demand for their assistance had decreased enough to indicate that they could retire.

“HBRN was established in the wake of the dramatic worsening in how Australia treated people who came here by boat to seek sanctuary,” the organisation said.

“In the early years the phone rang hot and our members were pulled in every direction to help people with housing, getting work, understanding bureaucratic processes and becoming part of our community.

“The challenges for asylum seekers haven’t reduced and their appalling treatment at the hands of our government remains unchanged.

“However there are many more organisations now that are better placed to help people.”

The organisation thanked it’s co-founders Ann Morrow and Dorothy Page for all their hard work over the years.

“[Dorothy and Ann] are two women who would do whatever it took to help someone out of a difficult situation. What an honour to have worked with you.”

The HBRN said organisations in Melbourne’s west such as West Welcome Wagon and the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre are great options for those looking to further support Asylum Seekers.