A new report has revealed how Maribyrnong council is performing

Maribyrnong council offices. (Damjan Janevski) 264038_01

By Molly Magennis

Maribyrnong council’s Second Quarter Performance Report has revealed that while the majority of initiatives were progressing as planned, there are some that have been delayed.

The Council Plan 2021/25 and integrated Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan was adopted on June 15 2021, and sets out councils long-term vision over a four-year period.

To support the delivery of this plan, a four year implementation plan has been developed, with the first year, 2021/22, having 65 actions identified.

These 65 actions include six major initiatives and 63 Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing actions.

Every quarter, the progress of these actions are reported to council.

The Annual Council Action Plan 2021/22 Progress Report has revealed that 78% of the 65 actions were on track, five were completed, 43 were progressing to target and 22% had not commenced and were experiencing some delay.

The one delayed action is considered a Major Initiative, and it is for council to Develop and implement a Climate Emergency Action Plan, noting zero emissions by 2030. This initiative has been deferred until the March council meeting.

Councillor Simon Crawford encouraged residents to read the quarterly report if they were curious about how council was performing.

“This is what we’re most proud of and I highly recommend residents have a look at [the report] and let us know what you think,” he said.

Residents can read the report on the councils website: www.maribyrnong.vic.gov.au/About-us/Our-plans-and-performance/Annual-report