Serious drainage issue finally acknowledged by Hobsons Bay council

Flooding in McIntyre Drive, Altona. (Julian Montebello)

Molly Magennis

Hobsons Bay council have agreed to address drainage issues in Altona, after the long standing concern was brought to council via a petition during the most recent meeting.

Councillor Tony Briffa tabled the petition during the March 8 council meeting, which asked for council to address the drainage issues in the area’s of Sugargum Drive Civic Parade, Grieve Parade, Lug Street and McIntyre Drive, Altona.

The drainage issues have caused significant flooding in and around particular parts of Altona for years, causing notable damage to properties.

Cr Briffa said the issue is not just a once a year event, but that it happens at least three to five times a year.

“It’s dreadful, so we really need to do something about this long standing issue. I’m grateful for the residents that brought this petition,” she said.

Hobsons Bay resident Julian Montebello is the lead petitioner. As a third generation Altona local and as a resident in one of the affected streets, he’s been aware of the issues for years and said it’s only getting worse, largely due to negligence.

“All the neighbours were saying to me this has been happening for years, this is constant, council won’t do anything about it, and I said, well that’s wrong. I said I’ll make them do something about it,” he said.

Mr Montebello said he made his initial complaint two years ago, on January 19 2020, and had been going back and forth with council until the petition was finally tabled last week.

During that time, he said he had been advised that the council did not have enough money in the budget to address the issue.

“I said all I’m hearing these stories, but all my neighbours have lived here for 30, 40 years,” Mr Montebello said.

“My next door neighbour, she’s an elderly lady and….. [her] whole garage is one metre off the ground because the water comes in and ruins whatever’s in the garage.”

“I don’t think those sorts of things are really fair, especially not when you’re paying thousands of dollars a year in rates.”