Submissions open on Newport planning amendment

An amendment to Hobsons Bay planning scheme is out for public comment. (Supplied)

By Matthew Sims

Hobsons Bay council is calling for Newport residents to have their say on an amendment to the council’s planning scheme to implement increased heritage protections and guidelines for new building heights.

The amendment will involve the integration of the findings of the adopted Newport Structure Plan and Inner Newport Heritage Gap Study.

The integrated findings will include new and updated heritage overlays to protect locally significant heritage places, including an additional 156 properties in inner Newport and new zones to guide built form and land use, completing the implementation of new residential zones across the municipality.

Hobsons Bay mayor Peter Hemphill said the amendment is an important step to realising the long-term community vision for Newport and ensuring appropriate development which will enhance the liveability of the suburb.

“I have been a long-time advocate for protection of local heritage,” he said.

“In particular, I have made sure we conducted a comprehensive heritage review of this area of West Newport.”

“Long-term planning and heritage protection is the key to maintaining the character and unique identity which we love so much about our suburbs.”

Cr Hemphill said public comment is welcome on the amendment, which will also include new environmental overlays to ensure land is appropriately remediated prior to any new development occurring.

“The Newport Structure Plan was developed in consultation with the community and key stakeholders over a number of years and I am excited to see the principles being put to practice,” he said.

“I strongly encourage Newport residents to review these important proposed planning changes which will shape the future of their suburb.”

Community information sessions will be held at the Newport Community Hub on Wednesday, July 6 from 5pm to 7pm, Saturday, July 16, 11am to 2pm and Wednesday, July 27 from 12.30pm to 3.30pm.

Public comment closes on Friday, August 12.
