By Matthew Sims
The state government has sent out a recommendation for students to wear face masks while indoors.
Sent out on Tuesday, July 16, the Victorian Department of Education, Independent Schools Victoria and Catholic Education Commission of Victoria joint letter to parents and carers said they were asking all students over the age of eight and all staff to wear masks when in class from now to the end of winter.
“The Victorian Department of Health strongly recommends that face masks are worn in indoor settings,” the letter read.
“We are asking for your support in explaining to your child or children the importance of this simple step that will help keep our schools as safe as possible.
“This action will help make sure as many students and staff as possible are protected from COVID and other winter illness.”
The letter stated masks would not be required when outdoors or when participating in an activity that was limited by masks, such as playing music or sport.
Wembley Primary School parent Christabel Borlin said she had not been sending her six-year-old prep pupil and eight-year-old grade 3 pupil to school with masks but supported unvaccinated students wearing face masks.
“If students are vaccinated, then they shouldn’t need to wear a face mask,” she said.
“I think they deter the children from enjoying school.”
Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday, July 19, Deputy Premier Jacinta Allan said the information in the letter was consistent with previous messaging from the state government.
“The information that’s going out to schools today is entirely consistent with the advice that was released last week by the Health Minister to the broader Victoria community, which had that very strong recommendation to wear masks indoors where where you can and where appropriate,” she said.
“These are the things that are going to continue to get us through what is going to be a difficult winter.”