Green bowlers learning the ropes

Altona Sports Club lawn bowls co-ordinator Richard Gale is welcoming more participants to join the club's Junior Lawn Bowls Academy program. (Supplied)

One of Australia’s future lawn bowls stars could be found within the Altona Sports Club Junior Lawn Bowls Academy team.

The club has been offering scholarship and development programs to Grade 5 to Year 11 students through their school’s physical education program.

Club head coach and bowls co-ordinator Richard Gale said the programs would identify talent and develop future lawn bowls champions.

“The academy’s idea isn’t to steal students from their primary sport but put in place a training program to allow highly talented students in multiple sports the chance to excel in a highly skilled, technical and challenging game,” he said.

“The students will be involved in practical on grass training up to 6 days per week with schedule to suit school, club and personal family arrangements.

“The school and club will schedule whiteboard theory classes so student students can gain maximum development in the sport.”

As part of the scholarship program, the club has subsidised membership, tournament entry and transport costs for the participants, as well as providing a $500 annual payment towards the participants’ academic efforts.

Altona Sports Club president Charles Spiteri said the programs have provided students with high-quality training from a qualified coach.

“We’re doing our bit to educate,” he said.

“The Altona Sports Club has supplied funds to various community-based clubs throughout the Hobsons Bay area for a number of years.”

Details: or 9398 2283

Matthew Sims