Carving creativity

Hobsons Bay Men's Shed woodcarving group members John Hinks, Bernadette Brogan, Bob Sutcliffe and Paul Grant showing off some of their creations. (Joe Mastroianni). 308188_01

From a recreation of the mask of Tutankhamun to a meerkat, members of the Hobsons Bay Men’s Shed have been busy bringing blocks of wood to life.

Meeting every Tuesday from 9.30am to noon at 280 Queen Street in Altona, a group of about 10 keen woodcarvers have been learning how to use their tools to carve out a range of creations.

Participant John Hinks said the group works with a range of different types of wood, from softer woods such as jelutong and more exotic woods such as Huon pine.

“You’re only limited by people’s imaginations,” he said.

“There’s a great deal of satisfaction in creating something.”

Women are welcome, but all participants must be members of the Hobsons Bay Men’s Shed.

To donate any unused tools or to express your interest in joining the group, contact Mr Hinks via