End of an era

John and Nancy Merlino have retired after 52 years as owners of Merlino's Fruit Supply. (Damjan Janevski) 317158_01

Newport’s Merlino’s Fruit Supply has closed its doors for the last time 52 years on from its establishment.

Owners John and Nancy Merlino celebrated their retirement among friends and family, as well as a group of loyal customers, at 31 Mason Street on Saturday, January 28.

Nancy said there was a mixture of happiness and sadness felt during the final day of trading.

“People have been very kind,” she said.

Established in 1970, Nancy said their initial customers consisted mostly of women making large orders.

“Their big shop was once a week,” she said.

“My husband always wanted to be in the fruit and veggies business.

“52 years later, we are still happily together.

“We’ve had three beautiful children who have all been a part of the store.”

The pair has witnessed a lot of change over the past 52 years, including the growth of the popularity of supermarkets.

“Supermarkets did cause a few upsets earlier,” Nancy said.

Nancy said while the growth of the popularity of supermarkets did impact their business, people eventually realised the quality was better at an independent supplier such as their store.

Nancy said an important part of their service was delivering produce to people’s homes, including one woman who never came into the store.

“There were a lot of older customers,” she said.

Nancy said she and John would be using their retirement to focus on their family and helping to raise their grandchildren.

“It’s a big relief,” she said.

Nancy said she and John were also planning to travel back to John’s homeland of the Aeolian island of Salina, north of Sicily, after immigrating to Australia 62 years ago.

The couple has sold the business, with the name set to change to Fruit 365.

Matthew Sims