Modern sport and recreation hub redevelopment open in Braybrook

The Western Bulldogs partnered with Maribyrnong council on a shared $3 million project to redevelop Skinner Reserve in Braybrook. (Supplied)

By Matthew Sims

Braybrook sport lovers are now enjoying the recently reopened redevelopment of Skinner Reserve.

Delivered during the past year and jointly funded by Maribyrnong council and the reserve’s new tenants, the Western Bulldogs Football Club (WBFC), the $3 million redevelopment includes upgrades to the playing surface and surrounds to enhance and support sporting and recreational community use.

Skinner Reserve is a community focal point providing green open space supporting elite and community sporting use alike, and is home to a number of well used community facilities including the Braybrook Community Hub, Aeroplane Park playground, Skinner Reserve Oval and a pavilion.

It also hosts training and is a match venue for local sports clubs in the winter months.

Maribyrnong mayor Sarah Carter said the upgrades would deliver services and recreation to Braybrook community members now and into future generations.

“It’s great to see this significant upgrade completed and our community back on Skinner Reserve enjoying the full suite of facilities again,” she said.

“Community sport and open space are highly valued assets by our community, and this redevelopment will help ensure this much-loved facility in the heart of Braybrook provides high quality facilities and amenities for the local community.”

The redevelopment includes the laying of more than 19,500 square metres of couch grass across the oval which, due to its durability and more efficient irrigation, will provide enhanced use for the community as well as sporting competition and training activities.

The works also includes a new 506 metre two-lane all weather running track around the perimeter of the oval, which is topped with synthetic turf to provide a safe and durable surface to provide a level of shock absorption to support all abilities, from avid runners through to beginners and children.

Other new additions include new subsurface drainage and irrigation systems, four new floodlight towers with energy efficient LED light fittings, new coaches’ boxes, boundary fencing, AFL goal posts, goal safety netting, spectator seating and an electronic scoreboard.