Coaxing out creative talents

Artist Amanda Neville is helping to run the Friday by the Bay program at Louis Joel Arts and Community Gallery in Altona. (Damjan Janevski) 321444_01

Altona residents with a creative streak or those wanting to foster their interest in art are encouraged to attend a new program at Louis Joel Arts and Community Centre.

Delivered in partnership with Hobsons Bay council, the Fridays by the Bay sessions are running from 10am to 1pm every Wednesday.

Centre manager Karen Ingram said the program features guest speakers and excursions.

“It’s really targeted at residents between the ages of 18 and 55 who are experiencing isolation in the community,” she said.

Ms Ingram said recent excursions has included a trip to the Ian Potter Centre at the National Gallery of Victoria.

“It was a very big and exciting day,” she said.

The cost of the session is $6.50 per week, with lunch included.

Other monthly sessions at Louis Joel Arts and Community Centre included the monthly Death Cafe, which is running on the last Saturday of each month from 2pm to 4pm.

Rather than being a grief support or counselling session, the Death Cafe is aimed at people who are also interested in talking about death openly in a safe and supported setting.

Details: 9398 2511 or

Matthew Sims