Pier Street- the pearl of Altona

Alan Young and Bronwen Gray with Pier Street Pearls, ahead of the Altona exhibition starting on Friday, June 9.

Pier Street Pearls is a new exhibition coming to Altona that celebrates the history of the main shopping strip in Altona.

The project has been developed by two local residents, partners Bronwen Gray and Alan Young, who said the exhibition is a reflection of the long history of Altona.

The free exhibition will open on Friday, June 9, finishing on Monday, June 12, at the Altona RSL.

The main feature of the exhibition is a 250 page book that features an assortment of Pier Street imagery and text.

The images detail the origins as a shopping precinct in the early 1900’s, through to the mix of cafes, shops, and apartments it has become today.

It will also feature a series of large boards that depict the history of the landscape, which Ms Gray said was all done out of love for their community.

“We noticed many old houses were being knocked down , and in their place new ones were being built, changing how the streetscape looks,” she said.

“…We wanted to capture the rich history of the area to keep those memories, in doing so we interviewed past and present shop owners of Pier Street.”

The pair discovered everybody shared the same love and admiration for the strip that they hold.

Stating they felt immense generosity bestowed upon them from shop owners, letting them into their lives and their shops.

With Mr Young’s photography skills and Ms Gray’s storytelling background, the two had a blast collating these stories.

“The oldest person we interviewed was 96, showing us that there is something in the book and exhibition for everyone of all ages.”

Locals can inquire to get a copy of the book.

Details: PierStreetPearls@gmail.com

Jennifer Pittorino