Bay kids bring home the medals

Hugo, 11, Airlie, 9, Zara, 9, Ivy, 10, and Emily, 10, all took home lots of medals from their lifesaving competition. (Damjan Janevski) 342923_01

Five junior nippers from Williamstown Surf Life Saving Club competed at Junior Life Saving Pool State Championships at Geelong Grammar pool.

Leanne Chapple from WSLSC said the day was full of excitement for everyone involved.

“It was really exciting for these kids to come through on the day and have a great go,” she said.

“For a lot of the kids we are trying to get them into seniors so this was a great stepping stone.

“It was a great day watching the kids learn as they go.”

Ms Chapple said the kids performed well despite their training being primarily in the ocean rather than the pool.

“The bay kids are performing really well in comparison to ocean kids,” she said.

“They always dominate when they participate which is great because they come off the beach and into the pool.”

There were several different categories on the day, Ms Chapple said obstacles seemed to be the groups favourite.

“In this category they learn endurance and the skill which makes them excited to be able to build their resilience and strength,” she said.

“They competed in all of the categories and they really love it because it’s very technical as we are teaching them all the lifesaving skills.”