Paintback ‘not an industrial nightmare’

Paintback hopes to bring their next facility to West Footscray.

Jennifer Pittorino

Paintback is hoping to change the minds of the Williamstown community about its proposed facility on Robbs Road.

Chief executive Karen Gomez believes there is a misunderstanding regarding the usage of the proposed facility.

“I think there is a misunderstanding that what we are proposing is a hazardous material facility, which it is not,” she said.

“At the site it is proposed that what we will be doing is separating out the paint from the cans doing this through compression.

“We have a large industrial sized machine which compresses the can to separate the paint from the packaging but we are not manufacturing paint or chemicals.”

Ms Gomez said Paintback has chosen the site because of its industrial zoning.

“We are not being an industrial nightmare, what we’re trying to do is ensure that the industrial footprint of household paint is minimised,” she said.

The community have expressed concern in regards to the additional truck movements in the area, but Ms Gomez said Paintback has completed assessments to look at the trucks coming in and out.

“We think there will be three to five trucks moving in and out per day and none of those trucks will be moving along residential roads,” she said.

“The majority of the trucks will be able to drive through the plant so there will be little reserve beeping.”

Ms Gomez said Paintback has also been looking closely at the noise that is likely to come from the plant.

“Some equipment is noisy and we have been looking at that and how that sound may move from outside the building,” she said.

“We are designing with qualified noise consultants and will be complying with the stringent requirements of the [Environment Protection Authority] to stay within the noise conditions to ensure amenity is not negatively impacted.”

Maribyrnong council displayed the hours of operation for the plant on a notice for 7am-11pm but Ms Gomez said this is not standard practice.

“Our intention is for the plant to run a single shift, five days a week and occasionally on a Saturday,” she said.

“Our intention is to operate the plant between 7am and 3pm each day, we require flexibility to be built in for later times to account for possible delays.

“We appreciate we have consulted with the community and continue to do so, their feedback is important to us and we are taking it on board.”