Exciting delivery rides into school

The retired tram was delivered to St Mary's Altona yesterday. (Supplied)

An Altona primary school received a one of a kind delivery on Thursday, July 13, which principal Sonia Riccardi said “had kids cheering for hours”.

St Mary’s in Altona received a full sized retired tram to be refurbished and repurposed into a playground for their 278 students.

“I was thrilled to get the news because it’s such an iconic piece of Melbourne,” said Ms Riccardi.

“We had all the kids out watching it be delivered, as well as teachers, local neighbours and parents, there was just so much excitement from everyone.”

Ms Riccardi said the school is aiming to use the tram for a quiet space for the kids who need some peace and quiet.

“It will be great for the kids who feel the yard is too noisy but still like to be outside and not be over-stimulated,” she said.

“We are going to make sure it’s a space to use for quiet time while being with their friends and keeping an enclosed feel.”

The tram which is over 14 meters long, is currently situated on the school oval waiting for its renovations.

“It will need paint, getting rid of old material and other bits and pieces,” she said.

“But the bones of the tram are great, the seats inside are in excellent condition.”

The school community are now brainstorming ways to fund raise enough to fund the refurbishment.

“There are lots of ideas being thrown around on how to raise the money we need,” she said.

“We are looking at how to engage some businesses in the community in this process, given we’re in Altona it would be nice to acknowledge the local businesses and get them involved in some way.”

Jennifer Pittorino