Liaising endorsed to keep roads open

Hobsons Bay council has endorsed the establishment of Level Crossing Removal Community Interest Groups.

Hobsons Bay councillors expressed their surprise at the proposed closure of Champion Road, when they endorsed the establishment of Level Crossing Removal Community Interest Groups.

At their meeting on Tuesday, July 11, councillors showed support for the Williamstown community which is working tirelessly to keep the road open.

The liaison group will work with council on issues arising from the forthcoming removal of several level crossings in the area.

Councillor Pamela Sutton-Legaud confirmed the announcement to close the level crossing at Champion Road was done without prior consultation with council or the community.

Cr Sutton-Legaud asked director of infrastructure and city services Sanjay Manivasagasivam if there was any community consultation before the announced closure, to which he replied no.

The proposed closure of the major thoroughfare has resulted in significant local interest and concern about the likely reduction in connectivity between Newport and Williamstown.

Cr Sutton- Legaud recommended locals give feedback via the online survey, which he has done herself.

“It is unfortunate to do consultation after the decision has been made. One wonders if anything will change based on the survey, but I hope it will.”

Councillor Johnathon Marsden said that he has never seen so much community opposition to a transport project.

“This is an urgent piece of work because of the sudden appearance of this unwelcome announcement,” he said.

“We want to start collecting people from the community who have expertise, insight, passion and interest, who are directly affected by the crossing removals so that they can help inform council’s position on these projects.“

Cr Daria Kellander acknowledged the work that community group ‘Keep Champion Road Open’ is doing.

“They are headed up by some great community leaders, I’ll keep this short by ending with the words keep champion road open.”