A statement from the Mayor

Mayor Tony Briffa has released a statement to Techno Park residents.

Hobsons Bay Mayor Tony Briffa has released a statement in regards to the Techno Park Drive eviction letters that were issued to residents on May 18.

The letters informed residents they would need to vacate their homes which are located on industrial zoned land, on the basis of safety.

The statement acknowledged the distress this situation has caused the community.

“Council has no intention of seeing anyone become homeless,” she said.

“I remain committed to listening and working with people who are living in the area.

“I encourage people living on Techno Park Drive who need help to contact council so we can discuss accessing a range of supports including counselling and referral services for employment, training, and housing.”

Cr Briffa said council is preparing a response to the petition received at the July council meeting.

“In the meantime, council has written to all owners and occupiers at Techno Park to advise that they have as much time as they need and invites them to contact council to explain how they would like to work with us.”

“Council stands ready to assist people to access any services they need as they move towards finding safe, legal and secure housing. We’re not forcing anyone onto the street.”