Healthy choices that taste good

Some people prefer to eat at home because they know what ingredients are going into their meals and can limit their salt or sugar intake. But at places such as the recently opened Crimson Bear in Williamstown, this needn’t be the case –their healthy menu is sure to keep tummies happy.

“Crimson Bear is a café with a difference,” owner Petar Jurcic says.

“While tea and coffee are on the menu, so are wholemeal waffles, chicken breast sausage rolls, protein balls and superfood smoothies. Our vision is to create a place where everything on offer within the café is in the interests of health and well-being, without compromising on taste.”

Petar says their freshly blended smoothies are second to none with such exotic ingredients as goji berries, cacao and acai, along with traditional fruits, vegetables and their own brand of protein. He has also created a children’s range using natural ingredients.

“We don’t use artificial sugars or syrups, and the kids love them!”

Everything is made on-site. Petar and the team start their day early, mixing herbs and vegetables into the lean chicken-breast mince for their sausage rolls, setting them in wholemeal rye pastry. They also select and combine their quinoa, tabouleh and kale salad.

“The brains behind the recipes and smoothie blends is my wife and business partner, Vanessa. She built the menu items from scratch and spent many hours experimenting to bring a constantly evolving menu to our diners.

“Our main barista, Monique, is phenomenal behind the machine, doing justice to the Toby’s Estate coffee we brew, while Priy manages front of house on weekends and brings the food to life.”

Petar says he and his team make it easy for customers to make smarter choices when it comes to food and dining out.

“Customers can choose food from our café that relates to their nutritional goals and diet, while still enjoying a meal in a relaxing and cosy environment at a superb location.”

Crimson Bear, 63a Stevedore Street, Williamstown. Opens 7am-5pm Monday-Friday, 7am-4pm Saturday and 8am-4pm Sunday. Inquiries: 0422 664 303