Coffee brings energy to community

Seabrook locals of the Homestead Run Reserve area (Jacob Pattison)355748_01

Citizen of the year Nasz Kahn, has continued her exceptional community service by helping bring Seabrook locals the joy of coffee.

Nasz said the Seabrook community has in the past felt isolated from local coffee shops, which led them to ask for a pop-up coffee cart to frequent the area.

“The thing about Seabrook is it is very isolated, we’re far away from a lot of the coffee places and all of the shopping centres,” she said.

“We are a very residential and very quiet suburb.

“In our community Facebook page, the locals thought it would be nice to have a coffee van or a little coffee cart come to Seabrook, for people to meet and socialise.”

“So one of the main incentives for the coffee cart was to boost community engagement to give everyone the chance to socialise.”

Nasz approached Hobsons Bay council with the idea, who acknowledged the need and came up with a solution.

“I put in a submission for it and council suggested the van come to our Seabrook garden every month, which has been an ongoing community activity for the last two years.

“Now once a month on our garden produce day, the coffee van will come and make everyone coffees at a subsidised price.”

On the second Sunday of every month from 10am to 12pm, Homestead Run in Seabrook is visited by the coffee van.

“Now locals can have coffee, participate in a herb garden workshop and a local food exchange.

“This is a real collaboration with council , which will be on trial until the end of the year.

“We hope this will continue as we are already speaking with the barista about coming to the community park on weekends.”

Jennifer Pittorino