Forest therapy on World Rivers Day

Dr Liz Cyarto and Dr Nicole Kowalczyk. (Damjan Janevski) 359115_03

To celebrate World Rivers Day on Sunday, September 24, the Maribyrnong River and Waterways Association is hosting a free forest therapy session with accredited Dr Liz Cyarto.

President Nicole Kowalzczyk said this session is the first of four coming up for the rest of the year , including World Soil Day, World Water Day and World Environment Day.

“As part of the global World Rivers Day celebration, our Forest Therapy practitioner and well-being expert will guide participants on a unique and rejuvenating experience along the picturesque Maribyrnong River,” she said.

“The event is a spin-off of forest bathing, which originated in Japan, also known as Forest Therapy.

“It has been known to reduce stress, lower blood pressure and boost mood, so we’re adapting it to include the Maribyrnong river.”

Nicole said there are added benefits of being near waterways, including sounds of flowing water.

“People instantly connect with waterways when near, so this is also a way to raise the profile of the Maribyrnong river for locals.”

The two hour session will be guided by Liz, which she said will take people through a variety of sensory activities.

“We will try to get people to be present, be in the moment and focus on what they’re seeing and hearing and smelling in the forest, through a series of guided activities,” she said.

“It’s not bushwalking or hiking, we will just be walking around a small part of Pipemakers Park, followed by a tea ceremony.”

“We just hope people can engage their senses more, and be more attune to the natural environment and experience the river in a way they probably never have before.”


Jennifer Pittorino