Free service from EPA

EPA Victoria, Victoria’s Chief Environmental Scientist Professor Mark Patrick Taylor said, the state’s environmental regulator, Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) has a free service for everyone who grows vegetables at home, called GardenSafe.

GardenSafe is a soil screening service that evaluates garden soil and sends you a report on soil condition and whether there are any contaminants present.

Mark said it is especially important in areas affected by the 2022/23 floods, for residents whose property has been affected by flood sediment or runoff, and for the scientific research the program supports.

Participants can send in three soil samples with the only cost being postage, and EPA scientists will assess them for trace elements and soil quality indicators including composition, nutrients and organic carbon.

GardenSafe will send you a report on your garden soil, and advice as to what to do next.

The report will be a guide to the quality of your soil and how to get the best out of your garden, and the data will help EPA to understand the state of soil in residential gardens across Victoria, especially in flood affected areas.

GardenSafe is on the EPA website and it is open to any residential gardener in Victoria.