Coffee with a cop success

Senior Sergeant Michael Baulch with Neo, Doxie and Charlotte. (Jacob Pattison)365486_01

The Yarraville community was recently treated with a Coffee with a Cop event, which saw more than 40-50 Maribyrnong community members attend.

Coffee with a Cop is an initiative which provides an opportunity for the community to meet their local police in a relaxed and informal environment.

The Yarraville Traders Association was visited by six police officers from the Footscray Police Department on October 17.

Yarraville Traders Administration Director Shannon Snowdon, said the day was a great success.

“All the kids got to sit in the police vehicles and sound the sirens. It was great fun,” she said

This initiative aims to break down barriers and build positive relationships between police and the community.

Community members can ask police about crime prevention, local issues or just have a chat about what’s been happening in the community.

Shannon said visitors mostly asked general questions relating to the community.

“The day was more about getting the kids involved in meeting policemen, it was very positive and everyone said it was great to see them on patrol again in the area.”

Footscray Senior Sergeant Quasar Hayes said the police enjoy being a part of this initiative.

“You can’t police well without having strong ties to your local community so we love taking part in Coffee with a Cop,” he said.

“It’s a great opportunity for us to hear directly from the community about what’s happening in their lives so we know how best to help.

“We know how much the kids loved flashing the police car’s lights and sirens so we’ll certainly be back.”

Jennifer Pittorino