Park gains new shed

Friends of Cruickshank Park volunteers Christine, Lee and Lola with Councillor Michael Clarke and Susan and Dom from Community Bank Seddon, Yarraville. (Jacob Pattison)363896_01

Cruickshank Park has a new shed to be used and enjoyed by the Yarraville community.

Dave Lewis is one community member of many who works alongside Friends of Cruickshank Park president Lola Anderson, to look after the park.

“The health of the park is really good at the moment, both Maribyrnong council and locals have put a lot of work into the park,“ Mr Lewis said.

“Due to the health of the park being so good at the moment, many people in the village are doing really good things for the community.

“My focus has been to really get them all working together for the fundraising events.“

The new shed will hold marquees, tables, chairs and other equipment available for community use.

“If people want to borrow or use these items for the benefit of everybody they can, now we have somewhere to store it all in the local area.“

Mr Lewis said the shed will be locked but it can be easily accessed by asking around for a key.

There is also an opportunity for the community to help decorate the shed, with plans in the works to paint it.

“We are hoping to get a mural going as we have had some professional mural painters in the community reach out before,“ said Mr Lewis.

“We will paint the shed seasonally and keep updating the shipping container. It would be really good to be able to theme it around special events and seasonal events.

“It will be great for some kids to come and have a go on it , as well as so many local artists whose talents we would love to showcase.”

Jennifer Pittorino