Outstanding educator shines at national awards

Sasha Hill-Head. (Supplied)

For nine years Sasha Hill-Head has loved her career working with children, now she has been recognised for her outstanding efforts.

The Yarraville local has won a national award for ‘Outstanding Practice’ in early learning at G8 Education’s The National Standout Education awards.

For two years Ms Hill-Head worked as an early childhood educator at the Learning Sanctuary in Yarraville, which she said she has loved every minute.

“I am feeling amazing, it is such an honour to win that award,” she said.

“It’s not only a reflection of myself and my practice but also my team which is amazing.

“It is really lovely to be recognised for everything I am doing and learning.”

As cliched as Ms Hill-Head said it sounds, her favourite thing about her job is the children.

“I don’t think anyone who chooses to be an educator is in it for any other reason, other than the fact they really love being with children and learning from them everyday.”

Ms Hill-Head was among six educators and teachers recognised in the awards.

About Ms Hill-Head, the judging panel said, “Ms Hill-Head shows clear passion and dedication to her role, leading and mentoring her fellow peers to create rich experiences and environments for children to learn, develop and play.

“Ms Hill-Head supports her team in setting up engaging environments across the centre, showing clear pedagogical decision-making and understanding of all ages and development needs.”

Ms Hill-Head believes her success stems from her passion for education.

“I really enjoy the environment and creating warm and inviting and creative environments for the children,” she said.

“I also really enjoy documenting the learning and using my personal passion for creativity within that.”

The winners received a $1000 Visa gift card and a $500 budget towards the professional development of their choice.